Sunday, October 25, 2020

Monday Montage Week #176


Hello! And welcome to the Monday Montage Blog Hop! We are so excited to have you with us today! Does anyone else wonder where October went? Just yesterday I was talking to my husband about all of the October things I still want to do and I realized we are running out of October! We did take our daughter and niece to a haunted house Saturday night. I haven't done that since before I was married, so over 23 years ago! I screamed and screamed every time something moved-even a couple of times when it was just my husband! Now I remember why I haven't done that in over 23 years-it's really not my cup of tea, but, the things we do for our I right??!!

So, since October is winding down, I thought I would share another fun Halloween card!

This was a really fun card to make! I wanted to make it look like wreath hanging on a door, and the Arrange a Wreath Bundle was perfect! That bundle is so great for many different occasions-I just love it! It doesn't have any pumpkins in it, but the Banner Year Stamp Set has the perfect sized pumpkins and the cutest little jack-o-latern face! 

Here is a close-up!

Thanks for stopping by! I'm sure you don't want to miss out on any of the projects my friends have for you  so keep on hopping! You can click the next button to see Melissa's amazing work, or click the back button to check out Elizabeth's fabulous project. Either way you hop, I hope you find something that inspires you! See you next time!

Click here for Melissa Stout

Click here for Elizabeth Price

You can use the forward and back buttons, or follow our hop using the links below!

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Monday Montage Week #263

      Hello, my blog hopping friends! I am so happy you are hopping with us today for the Monday Montage Blog Hop!  I have a special project...