And you know what else? You can use the Whale Builder Punch to punch out some of the whales in the DSP!! The larger whale is perfectly sized to fit the punch! That is what I did here and the card came together in a snap! The whale needed a friend, so I just had to include one the of the smaller whales in my scene because it was just too cute! I cut one out of the DSP with Paper Snips, easy peasy! Here is a close-up!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm sure you don't want to miss out on any of the projects my friends have for you so keep on hopping! You can click the next button to see Melissa's amazing work, or click the back button to check out Elizabeth's fabulous project. Either way you hop, I hope you find something that inspires you! See you next time!
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Monday Montage Hoppers
- Amy O’Neill
- Breelin Renwick
- Cathy Casey
- Charlet Mallett-Not hopping this week
- Cheryl Curtis
- Dani Dziama-Not hopping this week
- Elizabeth Price
- Julie Warnick-You Are Here!
- Melissa Stout
- Wendy Weixler